Milky Way: A Poem

Milky Way

You call your flaws
Faults so many they
Lie uncounted,
And in your ribs they ricochet
Back and forth
And up again.
Your very chest is a tremor,
A wide-awake galaxy
Unfolded beneath
Translucent skin.
Comets built of fears
Dart between your lungs
And fill you with trembles,
Belabored breathing.
Inklings of doubt crawl up your throat
And rest on the back of your tongue,
Devouring every word
You quietly speak.
Your milky blinded eyes,
Once bright in light,
Sun and sky,
Blink underneath your dark-drawn eyebrows.
And your hands reach out,
Clawing and sightless,
Fingertips discovering
Space and space and space,
And your myriad so-called mistakes tumble
From your asteroidal lips
And fill the air
With sound and stars.
All drink in the wonder of your ways.

©The Wild Poesy, 2012-2015. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited.

Milky Way: A Poem

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